The 5-Minute Yoga Routine That Can Help Restore Thyroid Levels

The last decade has seen an explosion in yoga studies across U.S and all the products to go with the quite expensive price of joining. But, you need to understand that no Lycra can make you healthier or better and you don’t need to spend a little fortune in order to reap the benefits of this simple practice.
While the origins of yoga have long been debated, everyone agrees that it originates from ancient India. Yoga is not only an exercise in physical terms but a spiritual and mental discipline too.  Hindu groups and Buddhist founded yoga for meditation and have widely used it as a form of prayer.
In recent years, we have seen that the Western world concerns for physical perfections and adopts yoga as a means of making a profit through marketing this discipline as exercise trend.
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Is yoga worth all the hype?

Multiple studies have explored the physical and mental effects of yoga, and although no definitive answer was revealed yet, many health experts suggest that yoga has the ability to lower health risk factors and help a person improve their psychological state.
As a matter of fact, there are various poses from the Asana yoga practice which have been proven to help balance the thyroid, which is one of the most important organs in our bodies.
The thyroid is of utmost importance for the overall health as it plays an important role in the way our immune system responds to stress.  It determines the effects that toxic chemicals have on every single organ in the body.
Given that we live in a world full of toxic chemicals, the thyroid is prone to being imbalanced. The good news is that instead of turning to prescription drugs and the wide range of side effects that accompany them, you can balance your thyroid with the two simple yoga poses below:

1. Sarvanga Asana

Sarvangasana is a stand in which the body maintains a still posture. It is one of the best yoga positions when it comes to reversing blood circulation and invigorating the thyroid. Since the body is in an upside down position, the pressure on the nervous system helps activate the pineal glands and pituitary gland.
  • Lay on the back with the legs straight out
  • Bring the legs up towards the ceiling, keeping them together
  • Lift the hips off the ground, keeping the palms on the lower back
  • Straighten the legs and keep the elbows on the ground
  • At this point, the thyroid will be pressed towards the chin
  • Keep a stable vertical line and avoid swaying front or back

2. Matsya Asana

This position is very simple to perform and extremely beneficial for boosting thyroid function. Not only it improves thyroid function, it positively affects the nervous system too.
  • Lay on the back or keep a dorsal position
  • Get into lotus position by crossing the right leg over the left and vice versa
  • Raise the back off the ground and put the head on the ground to form an arc with the back
