Hydrogen peroxide is a germicidal agent made up of water and oxygen, which makes it the safest natural sanitizer. It`s a colorless liquid that is slightly more viscous than water. It is most commonly used as disinfectant, bleaching agent, and oxidizer. However, it turns out that this versatile liquid has countless uses. This article focuses on 65 of them, so make sure you check them all out and get a bottle of hydrogen peroxide as soon as possible.
Note: Pure hydrogen peroxide can explode when heated to its boiling point. This is the reason why most of household products contain a diluted solution, mostly having 3-5% of the active chemical.
1. Eliminate Viruses
Experts claim that applying 3 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the ear helps reduce the duration of cold or flu. Allow the solution to work for about 10 minutes before letting it drain.
2. Get Rid of Pesticides
Most fresh veggies are treated with pesticides, detrimental chemicals that shouldn’t be ingested. To get rid of these chemicals, add ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide to a bowl with water and soak the veggies in the solution for half an hour. When done, rinse and leave them in the fridge.
3. Get Rid of Airborne Germs
Combine a pint of 3% hydrogen peroxide with a gallon of water and add the solution to a humidifier. Let it run until the mixture is completely used up. The antibacterial and disinfectant properties of the solution will get rid of airborne germs.
4. Whiten Your Teeth
Hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in most teeth whitening products, and it works by oxygenating the surface of the teeth. Brush the teeth with toothpaste and then swish a mixture of two teaspoons of water and a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide around the mouth. When done, rinse the mouth and repeat the procedure 3 times a week.
5. Bleach Finger and Toe Nails
The nails often look discolored after removing nail polish. To bleach them and reverse the natural color, dip the nails in a bowl filled with 3% hydrogen peroxide for about 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure for several days or until you get the desired effect.
6. Bleach Hair
Hydrogen peroxide is much safer than other bleaching agents, so it can be safely used to bleach your hair naturally.
7. Create Hair Highlights
To create sun-bleached hair highlights, simply spray some hydrogen peroxide on damp hair and let it work for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
8. Rejuvenate and Detox
To rejuvenate and detox your body in an all-natural way, soak in a bath with hydrogen peroxide. Add a cup of 35% hydrogen peroxide in a tub of water and soak for about half an hour.
9. Eliminate Stuffy Sinuses
To unclog your sinuses, try a homemade nasal solution with hydrogen peroxide. Mix a cup of water with a cap of hydrogen peroxide. If they are too stuffed, get a more concentrated solution.
10. Stop Toothache Pain
Oil pulling with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and coconut oil is extremely effective in alleviating a toothache, as the antibacterial properties of these two ingredients kill off bacteria that are causing the pain.
11. Disinfect Wounds
Hydrogen peroxide is effective in disinfecting small wounds. Use a small cap of 3% solution, which works well in most cases.
12. Make An Antiseptic Mouth Rinse
Mix a cup of water with two caps of hydrogen peroxide and use it as a mouthwash to reduce bad breath caused by bacteria.
13. Eliminate Acne
Mix two tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to create a face rinse. Dip a cotton pad on the solution and apply onto the affected area. Don’t use the same pad for the entire face in order to prevent transference of bacteria.
14. Get Rid of Boils
Add a cup of 35% hydrogen peroxide in a bathtub and soak for a while to detoxify the body and eliminate boils.
15. Soften Calluses and Corns
Soak the calluses and corns in a mixture made of equal parts apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.
16. Get Wax Out Of Your Ear
Pour two drops of hydrogen peroxide in each ear, followed by a few drops of olive oil. Wait for a few minutes before letting the solution drain.
17. Prevent The Dreaded Swimmer’s Ear
This ear infection can be quite painful! To prevent it, apply a few drops of a solution made of apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, right after swimming.
18. Get Relief From Ear Infections
To alleviate the symptoms and eliminate the infection, apply about eight drops of hydrogen peroxide to the infected ear.
19. Eliminate Skin Mites
Spray 3% hydrogen peroxide onto the affected skin, repeating the procedure several times after a couple of minutes.
20. Get Rid of Foot Fungus
Mix equal amounts of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide and apply the solution to foot fungus.
21. Make A Marinade For Poultry, Fish Or Meat
Place meat inside a casserole containing equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water. Don’t forget to rinse the meats prior cooking.
22. Disinfect a Toothbrush
Soak the toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide to kill off bacteria that thrive in the bathroom.
23. Remove Stubborn Stains From Clothing
Blood is one of the most difficult stains to remove. The good news is that pouring hydrogen peroxide onto the stain and letting it work for a few minutes before rinsing it off is extremely effective in getting rid of it.
24. Control The Growth Of Fungus In Aquariums
If you have an aquarium, this is a great way to use hydrogen peroxide. However, adhere to the instructions that can be found elsewhere so that you don’t harm your fish.
25. Get Rid Of Algae
For every 66 gallons of water, add 60 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Add the solution using a dropper , over a span of about 5 minutes.
26. Make An Emetic For Household Pets
Given that hydrogen peroxide can induce vomiting, it works well when your pet has swallowed something that needs to be thrown up or has simply eaten something they shouldn’t have.
27. Use As A Dishwasher Detergent
Mixing some hydrogen peroxide with your dishwasher detergent helps make it last longer.
28. Create An All-Purpose Cleaner
Fill a spray bottle with diluted hydrogen peroxide and use it as substitute to conventional cleaners that often cost a little fortune.
29. Clean Your Contact Lenses
Soak the contacts in a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide overnight to clean them and remove the accumulated protein.
30. Make Laundry Whiter
Add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to the wash and soak for about half an hour before wash to remove the yellowy stains and make your laundry whiter.
31. Remove Organic Stains
Mix one part dish detergent with two parts hydrogen peroxide and apply the solution to organic stains like coffee, blood, and wine. But, as hydrogen peroxide works as bleaching agent, don’t use it on darker fabrics.
32. Eliminate Undesirable Odors
To remove unpleasant odors, soak the fabrics in a solution made of hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar.
33. Clean Carpets And Rugs
Spray a diluted solution on the rug and clean as you normally do. It works best on light carpets as it can bleach darker-colored ones.
34. Disinfect Your Lunchbox
To remove the accumulated bacteria in your lunchbox, simply spray it with a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide and let it work for a few minutes before wiping it away.
35. Keep Your Shopping Bags Fresh
Spraying the shipping bag with some hydrogen peroxide and letting it work for a couple of minutes helps disinfect the dirty bag and remove bad odors.
36. Improve The Germination Of Seeds
Soak the seeds in hydrogen peroxide prior planting them in order to remove fungal spores that may impede their germination.
37. Thoroughly Clean Your Humidifier
Add a pint of hydrogen peroxide and a gallon of water to the humidifier in order to disinfect it and remove mold and mildew. In turn, the humidifier will run cleanly and smoothly.
38. Clean Tile Surfaces Better
Tile surfaces accumulate stains and dirt over time, which are often difficult to remove. The good news is that spraying hydrogen peroxide onto tiles is an effective way to get rid of them.
39. Clean The Toilet
Pour half a cup of hydrogen peroxide into the toilet bowl and let it work for half an hour before scrubbing. This simple trick helps disinfect the bowls and remove any stains.
40. Make Grout Whiter
Mix a 35% hydrogen peroxide with white flour to create a paste. Cover the grout with the paste and let it work overnight. Rinse it off in the morning!
41. Get Rid Of Soap Scum In The Sink Or Bath Tub
To eliminate soap scum fast, spray the surface with 35% hydrogen peroxide and leave it on for half an hour. Once loosened, wipe it away and rinse.
42. Say Goodbye To Mold
Some of the best health agencies in the world recommend using 3% hydrogen peroxide to remove mold. Simply spray the mold with the solution and leave it on for a few minutes before scrubbing it using a sponge.
43. Clean Glass Better
Spray the glass surface with a hydrogen peroxide to loosen grime and remove the dirt more effectively. It is recommended to wipe the surface using an old newspaper.
44. Clean Kitchen And Bathroom Counter
To clean and disinfect the kitchen and bathroom countertops, simply spray some diluted hydrogen peroxide onto them and let it sit for a couple of minutes before wiping it off.
45. Remove Stains From Stone Countertops
Mix some hydrogen peroxide with white flour to create a paste, which should be applied directly onto the stain. Wrap the surface in plastic and let it work overnight. Clean it up in the morning.
46. Remove Collar Stain
Spray the collar with a solution made of one part liquid detergent and two parts hydrogen peroxide. Let it work for a couple of minutes before putting it to wash.
47. Remove Wine Stains
Mix equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and liquid detergent. Then, pour the solution on the stain and remove it using a clean cloth.
48. Easily Kill Mites
Spray the mites with hydrogen peroxide to get rid of mites efficiently. Repeat the procedure a couple of times, if needed.
49. Improve Your Plant’s Root System
Interestingly, watering the plants with a mixture containing one part hydrogen peroxide and 32 parts water helps improve the roots of the plants.
50. Clean Your Mirror Exceptionally Well
Spray the mirrors with hydrogen peroxide and wipe away with an old newspaper to make them exceptionally clean.
51. Make Short Work Of Armpit Sweat
Mix two parts of hydrogen peroxide with one part of dish detergent and apply onto the stains. Soak them for a couple of minutes before putting them to wash.
52. Disinfect Sponges And Dishrags
Soak the sponges and dishrags in hot water and two caps of hydrogen peroxide for half an hour. This simple trick helps clean and disinfect the super dirty sponges and dishrags.
53. Disinfect Your Cutting Boards
Spray the cutting boards with hydrogen peroxide after each use and leave them like that for a couple of minutes. Rinse them with clean water afterwards.
54. Wash Fruits
Did you know that fruits and veggies are often covered in dirt and wax? To remove them, simply spray them with hydrogen peroxide and then rinse them off with clean water.
55. Clean Your Refrigerator
To clean your refrigerator thoroughly, spray it down with hydrogen peroxide and leave it like that for a few minutes. Then, wipe everything down using a clean cloth.
56. Remove Stubborn Foods
Mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to create a paste that should be scrubbed onto the foods spots. Let it work for a few minutes before scrubbing it with warm water and sponge.
57. Clean Kid’s Toys
To keep your kid`s toys clean, spray hydrogen peroxide onto them and wipe them down with a towel. Another option is to wash them in a solution of water and cup of hydrogen peroxide.
58. Brighten Curtains And Table Cloth
You can either wipe down the yellowy sections with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide or add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to your wash.
59. Prolong The Freshness Of Your Vegetables
Add ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide to a sink filled with cold water. Soak the veggies in this solution for about half an hour before rinsing them. When done, pat dry with clean towel and store them in the refrigerator to prolong their freshness.
60. Enjoy A Fresher Salad
To keep your salad fresh longer, add a tablespoon of food-grade hydrogen peroxide to half a cup of water. Then, spray the mixture onto the salad.
61. Add In Your Enema Water
Add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to four cups of water.
62. Get Rid Of Canker sores
Swish a capful of hydrogen peroxide around your mouth for about ten minutes. This simple trick helps get rid of the stubborn canker sores.
63. Gain Control Of A Yeast Infection
Add two capfuls of hydrogen peroxide inside of your douche once or twice weekly.
64. Treat Animal Wounds
Animal wounds can be treated the same way as human wounds. Simply dab the hydrogen peroxide directly onto the affected area.
65. De-mold Plants
To de-mold your plants, simply spray them down with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
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